Monday, June 27, 2011

In the Shadow of Jefferson

Well, this kayak was nearly in the shadow of Mt. Jefferson. Just one of the many ways folks have fun on Detroit Lake. Not for me though. I prefer my power boat. Oh, for the RubyTuesday crowd, the oar tips are me. :-)

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Anonymous said...

I haven't been to Detroit Lake in years! I had almost forgotten how beautiful it is up there!

We used to go to the Detroit Lake area all the time, but life intervened. Now, when I do get the chance to get away, I head the other direction to the ocean. Even THAT hasn't happened in a long time. Sigh.

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Summer fun although the is snow on the mountain. Over here its cold and wet. At least our drought has been broken.

LivingSoAbundantly said...

That looks like a portrait. Excellent capture!

VioletSky said...

I like the sound of the paddles dipping into the water... so no power boats for me!
This is a lovely spot.

Sylvia K said...

Could be a painting! Breathtaking place and capture for the day, Perry! Hope you have a wonderful week!


Arija said...

So beautifully blue . . .

nonizamboni said...

Not to be confused with Minnesota's Detroit Lakes. . .I figured that out from the gorgeous mountain view. Thanks for sharing summer.

Dianne said...

it must be amazing to be out there in the middle of all that peace and beauty
wonderful shot