Monday, July 16, 2012

Sometimes it ain't pretty

This is one ugly bird, but you know, he (she) sure is interesting. They perform quite the community service cleaning up. They are marvels in the sky soaring, catching air currents. And they do have interesting color and expressions. So, the Turkey Buzzard is not so ugly after all. (Yes, it is.)

Visit Ruby Tuesday 2 for more Ruby Red photos!
Visit OurWorld for more OurWorld Tuesday photos!


Gemma Wiseman said...

That is one very ugly critter, but he has his role in the scheme of things! Rubbish trucks cannot possibly access all places, so wings are a good default option!

DrillerAA said...

This is a face that only a mother could love. They are relatively common in our area, due to the rural nature of our neighborhood and plentiful road-kill.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

A scavenger, yes, but what would we do without him?

Red Skirt

Anonymous said...

We have a bunch of buzzards/vultures that hang out in our area. Every so often they flock together - very impressive to see 8-10 of these things circling around the neighborhood!

I've never gotten close enough for a photo, though. I had no idea they were this, er, beautiful (I had to say that - they may be listening!)

Liz said...

Great capture.

My entries:
Moms... Check nyo

cassandrasminicorner said...

Nice one! Still not ugly after all:)

Visiting for Ruby Tuesday 2- hope you can stop by..

joanne said...

yes, they are unsightly, and a little disgusting the way the head is featherless for cleaner carrion diving! But their services are useful....

Kim, USA said...

Looks like it is hunting for more food. I hope not chicken ^_^ Thanks for the visit I do appreciate it.