Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sandpipers Marching

I followed these guys for a while this New Year morning. Very interesting to see their feeding patterns, back and forth, following each wave for what the ocean brings.

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Kay L. Davies said...

Absolutely love the marching sandpipers! Great shadow shots.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Marka said...

It's almost like they're doing an organized sweep for food.

kri said...

looks like a ballett you have studied with them? really cute!

kri said...

looks like a ballett you have studied with them? really cute!

TonyC said...

Lovely shot. For your info, they are Sanderling, a small sandpiper that breeds in the high Arctic and migrates to warmer climes in the winter. Some come as far south as Australia.