I thought this airplane would make an interesting composition of the Portland Airport today because of the propellers. Little did I know I was going to get a bonus! These propellers spin at about 1050RPM and you can see the vapor trails from the spinning tips, about 2-1/2 to 3 revolutions worth. Seems the prop trails only stay visible for about 1/8th of a second so hard to see from the ground. These were shot at 1/3000th and 1/6000th of a second so we got to see a good look at them. The prop trails really show up in the last image.
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2 months ago
Cool photos of the prop trails. Nice job!
I wish i will ride in a plane soon to visit my family hehe. happy SOOC Sunday.
Mine is here
With 1/6000 you stopped them dead. I didn't know propellers left vapor trails. Good shot.
Wow I love this pics, aspecialy the tird one.
How you can see that a the propellers very awesome ..
Great action shots!
Awesome photos.
The last shot is awesome.
Amazing photos.
Amazing photos.
I was once on a FOD walk (?) on a runway, when a C-130 (very similar to this plane) landed over us. About 2 minutes after it landed, the propeller's vortices came over us, a wooshing sound, with nothing around to make it. Very eerie...
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