Monday, August 30, 2010

Night Glow

A few balloons from the recent Albany Art & Air festival. More balloons in flight soon to follow. (I love this time of year!)

Visit MyWorld for more MyWorld Tuesday photos!

Visit Ruby Tuesday for more Ruby Red photos!


Anonymous said...

How stunning these balloons are. I used to watch the 'balloon glow' in Colorado Springs during their festival, and have missed it so much since moving back to Oregon.

Looks like I'm going to have to get out more often!

Lisa said...

Fantastic shot

Sylvia K said...

What a breathtaking capture, Perry! I love the balloons and particularly these night shots! Terrific colors! I love balloon flights, but haven't taken one in a long time and never at night and I would love that! Have a great week!


Penelope Notes said...

These remind me of gigantic light bulbs all aglow! What a magical feeling it must be to experience this in person. :)

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! Bring on as many shots as you want to show, I'm ready - I'd so love to go up in a hot air balloon!

Anonymous said...

this is jaw-droppingly awesome.

Carolyn Ford said...

I love hot air balloon festivals. I posted some balloon glows early in June and even won a photo contest with one of them! We're going to Albuquerque the first of October to see the grand-pappy of them all! I simply can't wait!!! You night shots are SUPER!

deb did it said...

amazingly stunning!

eden said...

Great shot!

Barb said...

Your night shot is so vivid! I'll soon be visiting NM for their balloon festival.

Dianne said...

amazing, stunning shot!!

Al said...

Great shots. We have a major balloon festival in my town every year on Labor Day, and the balloon glow is always one of my favorite parts.

BraCom said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photo

Have a nice week,
Greetings, Bram

My Word Tuesday post

Seen on My World Tuesday

Arija said...

What a spectacle the inflated balloons make in the darkness and what fun to have a dawn ride.

Jim said...

Sydney - City and Suburbs

Gemma Wiseman said...

O what a glorious sight! I have never seen this before! The colours glow!

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

These are beautiful. Great shot.

Auntie E said...

Gorgeous shots. the color are so much vivid in the night time. They glow with light.
My ruby Link for you

Kim, USA said...

OMG this is beautiful!! Love it too!
Something red, yellow & blue

Shey said...

The lighting really enhances the colorful patterns of the balloons. These are great! :)

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, MY! This photo just fills my eyes--which is the greatest compliment I can give.

Scott Law said...

Night shots of the bright colorful balloons are always wonderful. The silhouettes of the crowds of people add to the atmosphere and your composition here is right on. In your post on my blog you asked if the caves were closed. The answer is no and I have a couple of shots I'll share soon from inside the "Indian Tunnel" and probably "Beauty Cave". Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

what an awesome experience that must air ballooning at night...thanks for expanding my horizons.

What Karen Sees said...

Just found your blog. Love this beautiful photo. Colors are gorgeous and composition really makes these balloons pop!