Played with the sharpness of this to give a bit of a macro/miniature look & feel. It is fun to play with......
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5 weeks ago
i enlarged this photo and i can see what you meant, it has the feel of a miniature indeed. very cool effect you've created.
on the airborne bee:
one of my dream shot is of an insect captured mid-flight and the airborne bee definitely fits that description.
i used a nikon D5000 and a tamron 70-300mm macro zoom lens. settings: manual mode, handheld, lens set to macro, 1/750s speed, F5.6 aperture, ISO 160, natural light.
my main purpose that day was to get photos like these and the garden that i went didnt disappoint. i thought it was a daunting task at first but one thing i noticed with this particular insect was that it hovers for a second or two on certain spots before landing on a flower and all i did was hold my nerves, focus and shot.
being a dream shot i was suprised how easy it was. all in all i took 14 shots, the first 4 were understandably a bit soft being test shots but the rest are good.
you can find a sample of my test shots here and one of the
good shots here uncropped and unedited.
one thing i regret though was i didnt set the shutter speed fast enough to freeze the wings, i
wonder if a could do that though with D5000 being the wings beat hundreds of times per second.
Good one.
tt;'s a lot of technical info. I just shoot. :)
Great shot- looks like a trout is going to jump out of the water and eat him!
Such pretty colours! the water is such a beautiful blue! Happy Outdoor Wednesday! Sheri : )
Interesting effect. I have to try these kind of things myself soon.
Great action shot!
Nice shot Perry! Where is this?
Ed & Reub
Beautiful sky and lake.
Mama Bear
A lovely shot and I like how blue the water is. Happy WEdnesday!
Watery Wednesday
Great shot of summertime fun!
Dave's idea of enlarging the photo was a good one. Great shot!
Nice job...looks like you weren't the only one playing.
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