Pictures of what I see, when they happen.
My goal is to show something new every week from where I live, work and play.
Please leave a comment and let me know you are watching. Also, if you have something to say that makes the image better, please say so. Granted, we all try to do our best. But unless we get genuine feedback on how we can be better, how can we become better? I always try to learn. So please, let me know what does not work as well as what does work.
Thank you
**Mouse-Over Tutorial**
If you like the mouseover thing I found, here is a quick tutorial: http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddvb5r5w_25drz56qhb
I am repulsed and awed at the same time... These shots are fabulous, I wish I had the heart to attemp something similar!
Yes I am not a great Spider person, but love shot number 2, sort of autumnal morning feel to the light.
AHHHHHHHH! I had to kill one in the Salon yesterday, just can't bear to pick it up, it may crawl on me! Great pic though, I hope you used a zoom lens!
Great pics. You are the second person to post a spider pic today. I think I will follow the example and do one myself.
I hate spiders but love the photos.
You will love to hear that he was hidden in his den and I had to reach in with my finger from the opposite direction to coax him out for the photo! :-) (Or her, no sexism intended.)
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